VS Aliens

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* 35,58 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
350,00 TL


GEN Manga is Indie Manga from the Tokyo Underground.
GEN Manga was made to give fans an exclusive look at real doujinshi, otherwise known as indie manga, that they had heard about, but until now, unable to get their hands on. In its essence, doujinshi is manga traded among other manga artists. Manga for manga lovers!

Kitaro must unravel a mystery between the two cutest girls in school. One claims the other is an alien! Is Sana Sakuma really a secret visitor from outer space or is this some elaborate prank? The mystery spirals in and out, back and forth, keeping you guessing until the very end. Do you want to believe?
  • Series: VS Aliens
  • Paperback: 174 pages
  • Publisher: Gen Manga Entertainment (April 10, 2012)
  • Language: English


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VS Aliens 9780983613466
VS Aliens

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