Vietnamese Memories Vol.1: Leaving Saigon

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700,00 TL
  • Colonialism and war disrupted the lives of millions of Vietnamese people during the 20th century. These are their stories.

    Clement Baloup intimately traces the paths of those who went to great lengths to seek asylum in unfamiliar lands, and against all odds, established prosperous communities rooted in the colorful culture and experiences of their past, while fostering a future unhindered by the political and personal turmoil that haunts their pasts.

    • Item Weight : 1.2 pounds
    • Paperback : 164 pages
    • ISBN-10 : 1594656584
    • ISBN-13 : 978-1594656583
    • Product Dimensions : 7.6 x 0.8 x 10.2 inches
    • Publisher : Life Drawn (May 29, 2018)
    • Language: : English

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Vietnamese Memories Vol.1: Leaving Saigon 9781594656583 Vietnamese Memories Vol.1: Leaving Saigon

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