The Ring of the Seven Worlds

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  • Seven planets linked to one another by the multidimensional gates of a giant ring. Only the passage to Nemo, one of the Seven Worlds, has remained sealed for three centuries, in order to confine its people after they savagely attacked the rest of the Empire. When the infamous gate reopens and unleashes the ancient enemy, Timo and Luce, two teenagers from the planet Mose, are caught up in a war they were not prepared to fight. "The Ring of the Seven Worlds" mixes Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action-Adventure and Manga into a wonderfully imaginative Steampunk saga.
  • Hardcover : 236 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 1594650527
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1594650529
  • Product Dimensions : 7.48 x 0.75 x 10.24 inches
  • Publisher : Humanoids; 1st Printing Edition (November 20, 2013)
  • Language: : English
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The Ring of the Seven Worlds 9781643376776 The Ring of the Seven Worlds

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