John Wayne: The Genuine Article

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525,00 TL
Fans of Hollywood and Americana will be eager to own the authorized photographic account of John Wayne, cinema legend.

John Wayne: The Genuine Article provides readers a rare glimpse into the life of one of the most iconic movie stars of all time through a treasure trove of memorabilia, stories, and interviews. This definitive book includes John Wayne Enterprises' collection of never-before-seen letters and telegrams as well as incredibly compelling text from Wayne's unfinished memoir. Important milestones in the Academy Award-winning actor, director, and producer's life are also well documented here through anecdotes, photos, and visually rich ephemera including boots, hats, and saddles. The story of John Wayne's rise, reach, and influence in American culture is alive and well in this brilliant opus. With a foreword by Jimmy Carter and a preface by his son Ethan Wayne, John Wayne: The Genuine Article presents the complete story of how an ordinary man became a top box office draw for six decades, and a larger-than-life Icon known simply as the Duke.

    • Hardcover: 160 pages
    • Publisher: Insight Editions (June 4, 2013)
    • Language: English

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    John Wayne: The Genuine Article 9781608874880
    John Wayne: The Genuine Article

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