Good-bye Geist

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315,00 TL
GEN Manga is Indie Manga from the Tokyo Underground.
GEN Manga was made to give fans an exclusive look at real doujinshi, otherwise known as indie manga, that they had heard about, but until now, unable to get their hands on. In its essence, doujinshi is manga traded among other manga artists. Manga for manga lovers!
Mystery is engulfing the face of Yuki's high school and Yuki is caught in the middle. As she battles the exhausting crowds during her daily commute she, like many other young girls in Japan, is sexually violated. Meanwhile, a boy is secretly filming her and someone is brutally slaughtering cats. What does it all mean? Enigma spins into ever darkening chasms in Good-bye Geist!
  • Paperback : 176 pages
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1939012012
  • Product Dimensions : 5 x 0.7 x 6.9 inches
  • Reading level : 16 and up
  • Publisher : Gen Manga Entertainment; Illustrated Edition (January 1, 2013)
  • Language: : English

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Good-bye Geist 9781939012012
Good-bye Geist

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