Capcom Fighting Tribute

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Capcom Fighting Tribute is a collaborative celebration of the Golden Age of fighting games and beat-em-ups! Inside, hundreds of artists from across the globe join forces in paying homage to over a dozen classic Capcom franchises. Street Fighter, DarkstalkersRival SchoolsPower StoneFinal FightStar GladiatorCaptain Commando, and many more combat-fueled classics are featured in a cornucopia of artistic styles. With fists clenched, claws out, swords drawn, and lasers targeted, it’s an all-out Capcom brawl in UDON’s biggest Tribute project ever!



    • Hardcover: 272 pages
    • Publisher: Udon Entertainment (September 8, 2015)
    • Language: English


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Capcom Fighting Tribute 9781927925522
Capcom Fighting Tribute

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